Spiritual Direction


What is Spiritual direction?

An image that is frequently used to describe spiritual direction is 3 chairs - one for you, one for me and one for God. Together we prayerfully “direct” our attention toward God, seeking God's presence in your everyday life. Especially in the midst of all the pivots, changes and unpredictability of this moment of history, meeting regularly with a spiritual director can be a powerful source of soul stability. I meet regularly with my own spiritual director and find those sessions to be an essential part of my own rhythm of soul care. My spiritual director listens deeply, asks questions and offers encouragement as I seek a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God. As your spiritual director, I would seek to create this same sort of safe space to explore the questions, doubts, concerns, joys and celebrations of your faith journey. I am currently meeting with folks on-line only. Although I miss meeting in person, these virtual visits have the added benefit of being available to anyone anywhere - across the country or even the world! 

Getting started

Because spiritual direction is deeply personal, it is important to find a spiritual director who is a good match for you.  I suggest that you meet with several spiritual directors for an initial consultation (often there is no fee for this) and share why it is that you feel drawn to spiritual direction at this time - pay attention to how comfortable you feel when sharing your story.  You might also ask a potential spiritual director how they nurture their own prayer life, where/when they are available and what their standard fee is.

You can find spiritual directors in your area through the websites for Spiritual Directors International or the Fellowship of United Methodist Spiritual Directors and Retreat Leaders.

I am currently blessed by a full schedule of spiritual directions clients. If you would be interested in being placed on the waiting list, I would be glad to speak with you and answer any questions you may have. Please email me by clicking on the “contact us” link below to learn more.

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With strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,



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