Post-it Note Prayers

I recently rediscovered the magic of post-it notes! As part of a writing course, my mentors suggested that I create a storyboard by writing all the main ideas of my "under construction" book on post-it notes. Then, I was to create some order out of the chaos by moving the notes around in hopes that an outline for each chapter would emerge. It turned out to be both fun and extremely helpful for me to visualize externally what I already had a vision for internally.

I have now become quite smitten with post-it notes. I had forgotten how fun (and helpful!) it can be to write little reminders to myself and post them in all sorts of creative places. Initially, my notes were mostly practical reminders - water the garden, walk the dog, work on Whale Spouts...

Then it dawned on me that I could include prayerful reminders as well.. I now have post-it notes strewn all about the house ... on kitchen cabinets, bathroom mirrors, the car dashboard ... as reminders to pray. Some of the notes include names, events or scripture. A few simply have hearts on them as a reminder of God's abounding and steadfast love.

I have often said that prayer is simply "being with God on purpose." The post-it notes are helping me to do this - to be more purposeful and intentional about praying my way through the day. If you are looking for creative, new ways to remember to pray, give post-it note prayers a try and see if this new prayer practice just might stick!

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