Praying with Mandalas in Prison

Have you ever made a mess of things? I mean, a really massive mess? I know I have. We all have. Every single one of us. Yet, I imagine it is fair to say that none of us would like to be forever defined by the poorest choices we have made. We are all in need of forgiveness and fresh starts.

In fact, that is at the heart of what we remember each Easter... that we have all been given the extraordinary gift of forgiveness and fresh starts. This sacred assurance of second chances can be especially powerful for those whose messes have landed them in the criminal justice system where it is all too easy to feel trapped in one's brokenness and struggle to remember one's belovedness.

For several years now I have been blessed to be a part of the Women's Spirituality Group at a prison in Cleveland, Ohio (North East Reintegration Center). We gather most Monday evenings to pray, share and explore questions of faith together. Most importantly, we celebrate each person as a beloved child of God, remembering that "there is nothing any one can do to separate them from the love of God." (Romans 8:38)

This June, our group will be praying and coloring our way through my book, Praying with Mandalas: a colorful, contemplative practice. I have shared the practice of contemplative coloring during the Advent season for the past five years and the women have absolutely loved it! Now we are looking forward to exploring ways to color and pray our way through the summer season as well.

Won't you gather with us in Spirit on Monday evenings in June

and offer a prayer of solidarity with all those who are incarcerated?

If you would like to participate in a more tangible way as well, I am in need of 20 people willing to donate $10 so that each woman in the group can have her own copy of the book. If you are able to do so, simply click here. Any donations received beyond the cost of the books will go directly to support the Women's Spirituality Group.

Thank you so very much for your solidarity and generosity!

So often I hear women express feelings of being forgotten while they are in prison. Knowing that you are praying for and supporting them is a powerful way to let the women know that they are not forgotten... that they are seen and valued and beloved.

As we all face the messiness and blessedness of our lives, Easter is a reminder that we are seen and valued and beloved. We have all been given the extravagant gifts of boundless hope, grace-filled forgiveness and the resurrection promise of second chances for us all. Praise be to God!