Giving Thanks by Giving Back

Thanksgiving is one of those rare holidays that has not been over-commercialized by the relentless pressure to purchase our way into each other’s hearts - and I give thanks for that! As we pause collectively to give thanks, perhaps we can also be inspired collectively to give back.

The oft quoted verses of Matthew 25 call us to translate our thanks-giving into care-giving and feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, care for the sick and visit those in prison. Yet, the immensity of the needs in our world is staggering and all too often we are paralyzed by the enormity of it all, uncertain where or how to begin. 

My invitation to you during this month of giving thanks is to find just one small way to give back. Imagine the tidal wave of care that could wash over our world if we each committed to one small act of kindness. One person cannot meet all the needs of the world. But we can each do our "one small thing" and God can make miraculous ripples happen!

If your “one small thing” leads you to the “visit those who are in prison” part of our collective calling, then check out the suggestions I have listed below.

Whatever your "one small thing" may be, I give thanks for you and the ways that you give back and share your gifts with the world. Thanks be to God! 

"One Small Thing" Suggestions

Learn more about how to support our brothers and sisters who are in prison. The needs are vast, but if we each do "one small thing," transformation can occur...

  • I will be leading an Advent study for the women of North East Reintegration Center again this year and would love to provide each woman with her own personal copy of "Mandalas, Candles and Prayer: a Simply Centered Advent." If you would like to buy an Advent Book for an Inmate ($12 each), CLICK HERE

  • HOPE Letters is an opportunity to exchange letters of hope and encouragement with those who are in prison, CLICK HERE to register for an information session on Nov. 8 from noon to 1:00 pm to learn more.

  • South Street Ministries is looking for individuals or groups who would be willing to offer a meal for a reentry support group that meets on Tuesday evenings in the Akron/Canton area. CLICK HERE to listen to a great podcast about the program and EMAIL Kathy Dickriede to get more info or sign up to donate a meal.

  • Attend the free webinar "Restored by Compassion: Given & Received " on December 1, hosted by Catholic Prison Ministries Coalition. The impressive list of speakers include Sr. Helen Prejean and Fr. Greg Boyle of HomeBoy Ministries. CLICK HERE to learn more.

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