"My Memorial Service" Playlist

"Ashes to ashes and dust to dust," are the words that Christians around the globe will hear on Ash Wednesday as we begin the 40-day liturgical season of Lent. We begin our journey toward the Easter celebration of new life with a reminder of our own death.

I find it ironic that we live in a culture that is so saturated with violent imagery, movies and video games that in many ways we have become numb to death. And yet, when it comes to speaking about our own death, we avoid this conversation at all costs!

But what a critically important conversation this is to have with those we love. Not because we are morbidly wrapped up in thoughts of dying, but precisely because we appreciate the tremendous gift of life that we are given with every single breath we take. I don't ever want to take that gift for granted.

Remembering my own mortality (on Ash Wednesday or any day), helps me remember to give thanks for every... single... breath... I... take. I want to live each day as fully alive as possible, because I know that when my moment of death does come (and trust me, I am in no rush!), there is the tremendous promise of resurrection.

I have recently started keeping a note on my phone that is entitled "My Memorial Service." It includes favorite songs, scriptures and quotes that bring me joy and remind me to celebrate life every day. My kids think I have lost it to be talking about my own memorial service at my tender young age! However, I find that it is life-giving (at any age!) to consider what music helps me celebrate this gift of life and the privilege of living it.

One of the songs on "My Memorial Service Playlist" is Gathering of Spirits by Carrie Newcomer. What a stunningly beautiful song! It brings me tremendous joy to listen to the lyrics that are an invitation to celebrate life together both in this moment and one day in the future when we all meet again. (I am including a video of this song for you to enjoy!).

What songs might be on your "Memorial Service Playlist" and how might they bring joy to your life in this moment?

One day we will all return to dust and ashes, but in the meantime, let us find what gives us life and celebrate that with each and every breath we take.

Sharon GarnerComment